Lagos Style Week

5:52 PM

I got to attend day 2 of the Lagos style week and these are  some pictures of the clothes.
it wasnt much fun because i went alone and then it didnt start on time
and then both my phone and my cameras battery died.
and then it got really late so i couldnt stay till the end
on the brightside, the hall was beautifully lit so i got great pictures :)
what i wore....
My dress is from Topshop and i also wore it here
Blazer is the jacket of one suit my mom bought for me a while ago
Shoes are from Primark (ive been wearing these shoes everywhere)
and purse is from Lagos Market

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  1. Those dresses are gorgeous and I love your outfit. That plum dress is really pretty.

  2. i love the models, u r very lucky to assist to that event! your outfit is so cute, i just love ite, the red and the purple! cute cute cute!

  3. Amazin..these colour are perfect!!



