Big Chop

11:14 AM

so after three months of a very akward transition i decided to do my big chop and its not so bad
i was scared i would look wierd at first but i guess i still look the same
and i havent gotten any bad comments well except for my mom who hates short hair
all in all i think it is a relatively good look.
its not really hard to maintain cos ive gotten so many tips from hair blogs but i just cant wait for it to grow out
im considering dyeing it red or brown, it looks boring the way it is, dont you think?
im wearing top from Bay
random leggings
belt from my vintage closet
necklaces and handband from primark
ice watch
ring from Ephies boutique Lagos
and the boots were a gift from the ex

cool story behind these boots, my ex went to london and decided to buy me these shoes. when he gave them to me at first i asked him where i would wear them to and he said 'theyre nice shoes, you can wear them anywhere' *straight face*
i dont know anything about boots because they cant be worn here in Nigeria but they look like stuff you would wear during winter and if you say you want to be a fashionista and wear boots in lagos not only will you look stupid, you will feel stupid and your boots will probably be filled with sweat which smells and then you will start smelling up and down (i know im exaggerating but its the truth)
i decided to wear the shoes in this post to prove some people wrong (they said i would never wear them)
well here they are bitches!
i wore them and they look great, my feet were hot but they look great.

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  1. You look great and Nigerian parents are like that, when I cut my hair off 7 years ago, my dad said, 'who will marry you looking like that.' and my mother hated my hair as well! But I didn't care. and neither should you. you look great! Good luck on your hair journey and if you ever have any questions don't hesitate to ask anyone, including myself.

    1. thank you so much, i definately will not hesitate

  2. Big chop is a bold move! Good luck on your hair journey :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. Cute look! The big chop suits you!! :)

  4. You'll love the natural journey! I'm thinking of chopping mine again and starting over. You look great. Love the pink boots.

  5. You look georgous! shirt has a beautiful colors&ur bracelets go perfect wid the outfit. Love it! xoxo :)

  6. absolutely lush and beautiful
    go team natural <3

  7. Congrats on your big chop sis. On the contrary, it looks anything but boring.
    Moms and the big chop, there seems to be a direct correlation. Don't worry, it will grow out very fast so take advantage of every stage.
    Your story got me laughing ooh. Yes, boots in Lagos...A bit problematic but yes, they look great.


  8. Your chop looks good!! I just did my big chop yesterday, thinking of coloring also, I feel so plain. So happy I finally got rid of those permed ends tho!



