
4:11 PM

Hi Guys!

Ive been using my extended break from school to practice my makeup skills and as you can see i have gotten better. whoop whoop.
I still havent found my perfect foundation and concealer shades but my eyeshadow game is now on fleek lol.
I used four colours on my eyes (who wouldve thought) and then topped it off with my LizYemojaGlamLashes.
I really liked how it came out so i decided to share and a tutorial for my lip color is in my last post.
Shoutout to Tuke Morgan for getting me this awesome flower crown and TeeBryte for the lovely earrings. Thanks Guys!

P.S I'm going to be attending the Woodin Store Launch at Ikeja City Mall on saturday. There are going to be lots of giveaways and all of your favorite bloggers are going to be there. So you guys should totally come check the store out.

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  1. Brows are in FLEEK girl!


  2. Great job girl, your eyebrows are on point. I love your eye-makeup, I have actually given up on eye-shadow but after seeing this look I think I need to reconsider.

    Princess Audu

  3. This is the definition of eyebrows on fleek. Love the flower crown. Keep it up



