
Birthday Wishlist

10:24 PM

Hello Everyone,

So it's my birthday soon. *insert dancing girl emoji here*

I'm hardly ever excited about my birthday but this year feels different. I'm not planning anything and I probably will end up spending it at home with family but I thought to share a wishlist of somethings I've been lusting after just in case God touches someone and they decide to bless me lol.

My birthday is on the 1st of May (Mide Day - pronounced Medayday) thank you in advance.


1.  A Zashadu Purse

I've wanted a Zashadu bag since the first day I laid eyes on them. I love the unique but simple designs and It makes me happy that everyone I see is not like the last.

2. Fitbit Flex 2

I gained A LOT of weight in Calabar and since I've been back I've decided not to slack on my weightloss and overall health. I have transitioned into a healthier diet and I need a tracker to keep this up. I chose this particular fitbit because it is simple and can survive under water.

3. Macbook Air

I've been using my mom's laptop for about a year now, I need one for myself.

4. Mia's Hair

Interesting story... so in the middle of drafting this post, I actually went to purchase the exact same hair type in this photo. It was a dent on my account but I needed a birthday present that would make me happy.
I still want hair though, something long and lush and wavy from Mias hair.

5. Casio Watch

I used to own a casio watch but then it broke and I haven't gotten round to getting another one. This would be an awesome gift because I'm currently 'watch-less'

6. Gold necklace with something engraved

It could be my birthday like the photo above and It could be 'Peace' or "Happiness" or "Wealth"

8. A Pandora bracelet

My hands are always bare and I really like the idea of collecting all the different charms. I'm a collector by nature so I'm excited about this.

9. Raya Jewellery

I came across this brand on instagram and fell in love with their pieces. I like statement jewelry without fuss so its a perfect fit.

So tell me, what do you guys have on your wishlists? Share with us!

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  2. I liked the last one, the earnings. The idea of using imperfect pearls is so good! Because everyone is used to know only about perfect, round pearls. And only few ever seen the natural ones. And if you're asking about my perfect Birthday present. Hmmmm... i think completed article 'The role translation plays in multiculturalism' will be fine)

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