Stephanies Birthday

11:07 AM

Stephanie of St.Colours had her birthday a while ago and me and my friends went to partayyy
it was lots of fun, there was soo much to eat and of course i stuffed my face :D
im wearing this cool grecian dress from french connection which was a gift from my cousin
next sandals
and this awesome bag i got the most ridiculous bargain for at Lagos market.
i got it for 3k. yes 3 thousand naira and it was new. how awesome is that?
i hope everybody is having an awesome weekend

31. How i feel right now: Fat
32. Someone i love: My daddy
33. My current relationship status: Single and ready to mingle whoop whoop (not)
34. My relationship with parents: i love my parents and they are the coolest in the world.
35. Favorite Holiday: My birthday is a public holiday in my country so i call it Mide Day
36. Tatoos and piercings i have: None
37. Tatoos and piercings i want: None
38. Reason i started my blog: To showcase my style and photography
39. Do I and my last ex hate eachother?: No, we're still good friends actually
40. Do i get 'goodmorning' or 'goodnight' texts?: No *sniffs*

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  1. Wow , everybody was stylish there.....Hope u have fun and telle stephanie happy birthday from me!!

  2. You ladies all look gorgeous ;)


  3. I love, love your dress! i am a maxi freak! i still do not know why i dont get your updates even after refollowing you! sad!



