
12:36 PM

ive had this skirt since forever. i have been tempted many times to give it out but i would just say to myself. 'Camo is coming back baby, just hold on'
and so when came came back i was like whooosh time to wear my skirt.
i was very excited forreal so i paired it with my one time favorite top from my vintage closet and went to shoot and then i gave it out lol (because i know im not going to wear it again)
in other news, my school is on strike (again) so ive been trying to study so i won't rush it like the last time but i hope they call it off soon because this really is not the life.

Also, i want to start putting up videos. i havent put up any video since i started this blog so if there is anything you would like to see or you would like for me to do just pop me an email at missmide@gmail.com and i will be glad to oblige.

These awesome photos were taken by IPINAYO, you can check out her blog here

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