
Patra Couture

8:16 AM

Dress - Zara
Bag - Patra Couture
 Photos by Sope Coker

Hi Guys,
So Patra couture sent me this bag from their new collection and i just love the colors and the print.
Immediately i saw it i knew i had to take flower child pictures.
The downside was that i didnt have a flower crown (who knows where i can get one?) and the flowers i put in my hair kept flying away ugh.
I wore white because i didnt want to take the attention away from the bag and at some point with all the directions my brother was giving me it felt asif i was shooting a lookbook.
The initial plan was to stand in the garden with some flowers but my brother was so inspired by the scenery he was like  'climb the tree!' 'sit on the floor' lol but im glad we got good pictures at the end of the day.
Since i invested in a new camera and the 50mm lens i have less of a hard time convincing my brother to take pictures because now they always come out pretty.

The designer says: PATRA COUTURE is more than just a line; it is a fashion statement. A fashion statement for both men and women who want to feel unique and colorful.
This line is meant to touch or give your life a notch in a different, bold, creative,and confident direction.
With our latest bag collection called "LITTLE BAG" you can't go wrong .
This collection was made with African fabrics and has originality to it. It is beautifully and colorfully made to suit  most outfits. 
To order send email. To cleopatradouglas@live.com
You can also check out our facebook page for more pictures:  ‎https://facebook.com/patraaltacostura

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  1. Amazing!!!!!!!!!

  2. The bag Is really pretty ad ur brother did an amazing job.

    1. Thanks alot Sogie, i just showed this to him and hes really happy

  3. Loving the flowers in your hair, so cute!!
    I've been on the lookout for a flower crown too, let me know if you find one and i'll get you one if I find them first.
    What kind of Camera do you use? I have a Nikon D3100, need to get a new lens though and I need to get it pretty soon. People keep suggesting the 50mm but isn't it weird that you can't zoom?


    1. Thanks Tuke
      I use a canon 60d
      I used your camera with a 50mm to take the street style pictures for fashion week and they came out awesome. It sucks that you can't zoom or take full pictures of people if they are close to you. But its still totally worth it.

    2. Thanks for the recommendation Mide, got the 50mm and I'm Loving it :) I got you a flower crown too :D Dunno how i'll get it across to you though!

  4. Love, love the bag and lobe the location where you took the pics, what you need is a hair garland, I can help you get that cos I am a persona shopper you can mail me egbudje@gmail.com


  5. Very beautiful pictures.

  6. that bag is so pretty - the patter and color is just perfect!

    xo, Carla

  7. Beautiful bag and your skin's glowing, give us some tips on that as well lol.x

  8. Wow lovely bag! Why aren't they featuring their designs on Complete Fashion?
    Nice pictures too Mide...you look gorg'.

  9. Stunning shots, I love the bag, the pop of colour is perfect for the white dress.


  10. The pictures are just stunning, I love the last one especially! That bag is great!

  11. If you don't have a flower crown, you could easily make one. YouTube has many tutorials. Love that bag...definitely a statement piece.


    Thy Bliss Calls

  12. I love this shoot!!! very...girl next door



