
The SunFlower Award (Tag)

1:57 AM

Its award/ tag season and i was tagged by the beautiful Diane to do this.

                                                                           The rules:
1. Share 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the questions set by the blogger that nominated you
3. Nominate bloggers
4. Set 7 questions for nominated bloggers
                                                                     Facts About Me 

  1. Im very optimistic
  2. I like to give people second chances, i dont judge
  3. Ive never been in a physical fight
  4. I have 2 Grandmas that i love very much
  5. I plan everything, im not very spontaneous
  6. I like adventures and i hope to travel a lot
  7. I dislike all other animals apart from dogs
  8. I have many birthmarks in hidden places
  9. I speak to little babies the same way i speak to puppies
  10. I was once addicted to ewa agoyin and i ate it everyday for 2 weeks
  11. I always think im fat even though im not really fat 

                                                            Answers to Diane's Questions
Have you ever dealt with anonymous hate? How did you react to it?
First of all, i love anonymous hate. It makes me feel important lol. I believe that if a person cannot come out to speak to me then they are not worth my time. I usually just shrug it off and dwell on more important stuff, it means im doing something right. Everybody cant love you.

What do you like most about blogging?
I like the fact that i get to document my life, I started blogging in 2011 and when i look back at my old posts i can see how much i have grown since then.

What is the most expensive item that you own?
My camera, it was an investment

Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Never ever. Im awesome and if i was to come back again, i dont hope to be anybody else. Self love is the best kind of love and if you dont love yourself and accept all your flaws you cant love anybody else or be happy.

What would you say is your biggest flaw?
Not keeping in contact with people, i love my own company and most times i feel i dont need anybody. So its really hard for me check up on people.

What is your dream vacation place?
 Anywhere with sun, sand, sea and amazing food.

Would you consider yourself confident?
haha yes! im super confident. I can go anywhere and talk to anybody. Social skills are very important if we want to move up in life i believe.
                                                                 My Questions
  • What would you spend 1million dollars on?
  • Favorite item in your closet? (put up a picture if you can)
  • If you hand the chance to name yourself, what would it be and why?
  •  How do you express yourself?
  • Favorite book?
  • What inspired you to start your blog?
  • What has your blog done for you?

                                                                Bloggers i'm Tagging
Alice of Lecess Royale
Princess of Pixie Inc
Velma of In Fashion Rehab
Lape of Beauty Geek
Fola of Retro Religion 
Desola of DeeMako

Im in Dubai at the moment, on holiday with my family for a few days. Im kind of excited because i heard that the Ramadan celebrations are always super awesome. If youve been here before or live there, i would really appreciate if you leave comments with places we should visit. I want to make the best of this short holiday because only God knows when i'll get to go again.
Ill also be sharing pictures, the place is really beautiful but soo hot, you cant go out without a facecap and sunnies.
Well thats all for now, talk to you guys soon

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  1. I love dogs too.
    That's nice. Have fun. My mum has been there, and I thnk she got a tour guide and they would let you guys know all the places avalable.

  2. Wow I'm exactly the same for the flaw part, I really enjoy my own company, I actually really bad at checking people up :/
    Love your answers, it was fun to read :)
    Enjoy Dubai!!

  3. You've been nominated for the liebster award on my blog. xo


  4. Awww thanks dear. "I love my own company too" im bad in communication. As far as confidence, I am, but not approaching people. It all depends on how approachable they are.

  5. So glad you were tagged for this...i love your blog. Good to know I'm not the only person that plans everything and speaks to puppies and babies in the same way.

  6. Hi Mide. Nice blog revamp. I tagged you here www.girlane.com


  7. hi mide hope ure enjoying ure stay u should visit desert safari ...thanks for the tag wld do mine asap ...hugs and kisses



