Hair Update: First two strand twist out

9:14 PM

So i saw this picture of a girl who was 8 months natural and her hair was massive. i started panicking cos my hair was supposed to be 8 months too and it looked really short.
i finally realised that i was counting from when i stopped relaxing instead of when i did my bc
so i am actually just 5 months natural *sigh
so i decided to share with you guys the results of my first two strand twist out, this was how i had my hair during my exams because the heat from the fringe i had on was too much for me
i didnt wash my hair when i took out the weave, i just didnt have time. i also just sprayed it with my water and coconut oil mixture before twisting. i left the twists in for about 5/6 hours and then loosened them. the definition was actually really good and it stayed this way for another two days or so.
i was really happy with the results because i dont think my hair has been this healthy or good looking.

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  1. You're beautiful !! And the TO is cute ^-^

  2. Haha I felt the same way too, when I saw all those videos of girls with massive hair while mine was so short and then I realized I was still transitioning :/
    Anyway, love the result, it's nice!

  3. u really look cute/pretty with ur natural hair hair...

  4. Your hair is beautiful. I'm a year natural. It's a tedious process especially when you compare your length to others, just take care of your hair and length will surely follow :)

    The Indie Byline

  5. I loveee your blog, finally, another natural fashionista!!
    I'm going to follow you, and I hope you follow back!




