
10:25 PM

i planned to say that i took a break from my blog to sort some things out with my life and all and i would be lying if i tried to sound deep and say that im back from a long needed rest where i got to sort out all of my demons and things
truth is, i have not just been doing anything, i went through this couch potato phase and i havent gone anywhere for the last 2 months, i have just been sitting at home eating and watching tv, the thought of dressing up and going out scared me at some point and believe me this phase was waay worse than my YOLO phase because now my clothes dont even fit and i cant wear jeans (seriously). i have refused however to buy any size 10/12 clothing because i believe that baba God will do it for his girl.
i have however decided to rebrand my blog (and myself), i will try to post regularly (i mean it this time) and i will try to make my posts more relatable. i have acquired a new camera, lens and a speedlight so hopefully the quality of my pictures will be better.
i have also decided to dress better, i am going to stop wearing my moms clothes and start dressing like a proper young adult, all the money i used to spend on food will now be spent on clothes (wipes a tear)
i have also decided to take my interest in fashion more seriously, You know Obinna Omeruo of House of Nwocha? i have decided to follow him to every fashion event/ styling session in exchange for my photography services for his blog which you can check out here
i havent asked him yet but i speak in faith that he wont say no. so Obinna how far now? *wink wink* another thing i have decided to do is eat healthy, i attended the last 'naturals in the city' meetup, there was a nutritionist and i found out almost everything i was eating was unhealthy. i would have loved to go on a no carb diet but unfortunately healthy eating is expensive and i am a broke ass student. i will still try my best sha.
so thats all for now, i will be back soon with better stuff, till then i will leave you guys with random instagram pictures of my face because i am vain. my instagram id is midecoker by the way.

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  1. Yayy! It's good to have you back. Your description of being a couch potato reminds me of summer days...Haha. I also have days when I don't feel like doing anything, but It's been a while. You look lovely in those pictures. I'm looking forward to your future posts! :)

  2. So good to have you back! Hope you work out your problems and I can't wait to see your new posts! x

  3. I love your photos, especially the short look in the middle - you're beautiful missy :) Great goals! Happy to have you back!

  4. You look good, natural! Going natural too. :)


  5. Missed you! Glad you're back! And you came back with a bang! Skin looks so flawless! xx

  6. I had the same hair a week ago, the straw set type, with you in the car. Adorable.

    Check out my blog; http://bcece-evenangle.blogspot.com

  7. You have a beautiful face structure and your skin is radiant



