Childrens Day

7:59 AM

Community children that are not allowed to go to school
Their school
some dont even live in proper houses

Campus2Communities is a group of young people trying the best they can to make a positive impact in our society. it is made up of a couple of my classmates and other members of my faculty.
We had been working with the Ilaje community for a while. Some people had been going to teach the children and help out in whatever way they can and when childrens day was near we decided to throw them a little party.
People were generous with their donations and we were able to raise enough money to throw them an awesome party, they had lots to eat, got to paint their faces, had various cultural displays and got to dance and generally have a good time.
We had the most amazing time dancing with the kids and it made us so happy to be able to make such an impact on their lives and i hope the government and other bodies take note and try to help them.
i also hope that this little act will enable the other families in the community encourage their children to go to school because as we all know education is key.
I only visited the community twice but what i saw made me really count my blessings.
We go through life everyday complaining about what we dont have and what we want more of without bearing in mind that there are people who dont even have a quarter of these things.
There was a boy there who said that if he didnt hawk everyday he couldnt eat, a little girl that had to take care of her many siblings and other kids that dont live in real houses, just shacks and when it rains its really terrible.
But in spite of everything, they seemed to be happy and content you know, we didnt give out any extraordinarily expensive gifts but the fact that some of us went there regularly and taught them dances and even put on a play left them overjoyed.
i believe we should all try to give back once in a while. it doesnt have to be elaborate. some old clothes here and some toys or books there really go a long way.
Share your blessings!

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  1. Happy Children's Day! These pictures are so lovely and full of happiness :))

    Also, GFC is shutting down on July 1st so I wanted to make sure that we stay connected via Bloglovin!
    I just checked to make sure that I'm connected with you on Bloglovin so I hope you would do the same ;)))

    Stay in touch!
    ❤ Jenny Tsang
    Tsangtastic's Bloglovin

  2. How love kids

  3. Such a sweet post and lovely pictures. It's a shame that people don't really celebrate this day too much but it's always good to reflect on remembering the situation of many children in the world.

    XOXO Gozika

  4. awww, really nice of you, to think of this children and appreciate what you have, God bless you and keep you, we will always try and help the society and children like them, let us know and have a list of all the places that children like this are located. you could also write the government and take pictures and send it to them and tell them what you want them to do.

  5. that's very sweet of you..
    happy children day! <3


  6. looks like they had fun

    for Celebrity, Fashion and Lifestyle update

  7. Awww...people do go through somuch. I'm glad you guys decided to lend a helping hand. Nice!



