Liebster Award

12:18 AM

Hi Guys!
so i was awarded the Liebster award by the awesome Dressed2DNines. Thank you soo much. im really glad!

So first of all i have to share 11 random facts about myself
1. im a photographer but id rather be in front of the camera than behind it. i know. im vain.
2. i only shave when i have to wear something sleeveless
3. i always appear super busy but im actually not
4. i cry when i watch movies by myself. even when its an animation. once a character dies or somebody has to leave, im in tears.
5. i dance to no music when im happy
6. I talk to dogs the same way i talk to babies
7. I still dont know what i want to spend the rest of my life doing.
8. I think i eat too much
9. I like to stare at people till they start feeling uncomfortable
8. Strangest thing ive eaten is rabbit
9. I have seen a monkey being killed (dont ask)
10. Id rather take injection than swallow pills
11. Im terrible at maintaining weaves

Questions from the blogger who gave me the award:
 1.Why is your blog name what it is? 
    I wanted a name that symbolizes what im about. Legal/Law Fashion seemed abit drab so i made it french. Hence Mode Juridique.

2.Who's your favorite celebrity and why?
     Will Smith. Err cos hes awesome!

3. What color shoes are you wearing right now?
     I am wearing brown rubber slippers.

 4. Would you wear an engagement ring on your middle finger or fourth finger?
      I dont know much about rings. ill get back to you on that.

5. What's your dream vacay destination?
     Anywhere beautiful with awesome food, awesome drinks and a pool.

6.#TeamNatural, #TeamRelaxed, or #TeamItsJustHairChillOut?
    Team Natural!!......but its actually really just hair chill out.

 7.When was the last time you prayed?
     This Morning

8. What's your favorite color?

9.What number child are you?

10.What's the last meal you cooked?
    Vegetable soup and wheat

11.Would you rather do 100 jumping jacks or 75 squats
     100 jumping jacks. Squats are a struggle lol 

Bloggers im awarding:
Africanism Cosmopolitan
Love Serendipity
Fenix Incorporated
Imperfect Verbalista
Style Orgy
The Fashion Engineer
My Style Loveletters
Toun Aj

My Questions:
 1. One thing you love?
 2. One thing you hate?
 3. Favorite item of clothing?
 4. Dark or Light skinned guys/babes?
 5. Planning to pursue a career in fashion?
 6. Side Hustle?
 7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
 8. Your personality in one word and your style in another word?
 9. Are you a romantic?
10. How old are you?
11. Themesong of your life?

and now some selfies for your viewing pleasure......

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  1. LOL. Love the facts! I always thought you were hot, now I'm adding cool to the list as well and honestly, I'm with you on no2. If no one is seeing it, why bother??? lol! I'd do this tag soon! Thanks for nominating my doll! xx

  2. Thanks for the nomination dear
    Http : / /

  3. You have seen a monkey being killed??? WTF?! I've eaten a rabbit too. I've eaten frogs legs as well, that's probably even more weird, right?:) I like the questions you've come up with, especially 7th and 8th.

  4. Kisses boo! Thanks for the nomination



