
Top 32 Nigerian Fashion Bloggers (based in Nigeria) Part 2

1:33 PM

Tuke's Quest
Who: Tuke Morgan
About: Fashion, Food, Lifestyle
Blog: www.tukesquest.com

She is out of control
Who: Ibukun Akinnawo
About : Fashion, Lifestyle, Christian life
Blog: www.sheisoutofcontrol.com

Style by Ayaba
Who: Tomiwa Oladele
About : Fashion, Inspiration
Blog: www.stylebyayaba.com

Style by Enkay
Who: Nkechinyere Ede
About: Fashion, Design
Blog: www.stylebyenkay.blogspot.com

Third World Profashional
Who: Adaku Ufere
About: Fashion, Lifestyle
Blog: www.thirdworldprofashional.com

The Chameleon Blogger
Who: Eki Ogunbor
About: Fashion, Natural hair, lifestyle
Blog: www.thechameleonblogger.com

The FBY Lady
Who: Yele Ogundipe
About: Fashion, Inspiration
Blog: www.thefbylady.com

The Lady, Her Style and Her Lord
Who: Olakunmi Oni
About: Fashion, Self Development, Christian life
Blog: www.theladyherstyleandherlord.blogspot.com

The Modish Method
Who: Feyi Adesanya
About: Fashion, Photography
Blog: www.themodishmethod.com

The Soho Sister
Who: Toyin Jolapamo
About : Fashion, Food
Blog: www.thesohosister.com

The Z Files
Who: Zina Anumudu
About: Fashion, Lifestyle
Blog: www.stylevitae.com

The Fashion Engineer
Who: Sayedero Enytan
About: Fashion, Beauty
Blog: www.thefashionengineer.com

Zeezee's Zone
Who: Adetutu Zainab
About: Fashion, Workstyle, Inspiration
Blog: www.adezeezee.blogspot.com

 Fashionitas by Buiti
Who: Buiti Christian
About: Fashion, Inspiration
Blog: www.fashionitazbybuiti.blogspot.com

The Diva Diaries
Who: Iyesogie
About: Fashion, Inspiration
Blog: www.divadiari.blogspot.com

Toun Aj
Who: Toun Ajibola
About: Fashion, Shop
Blog: www.tounaj.blogspot.com

Finally part 2!!
I did not include locations this time because only like 3 people here are not based in Lagos.
 I hope you are inspired by the people that inspire me.
More of the blog squad soon.

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  1. Yaaay...more new blogs to read. I honestly was so unaware of other Nigerian bloggers, it's unbelievable.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this list, this is so resourceful!


  3. ironyofASHI.COM

  4. All such beautiful and great bloggers. Nice One.

  5. Oh can't wait to check these all out, thanks for compiling this!

  6. Wow...just so this...thank you so much
    You're awesome


  7. Wow...just so this...thank you so much
    You're awesome


  8. So cool! I already follow Ayaba, beauty and enkay. New blogs to add to the list!


  9. Thanks Mide for this awesome post, I guess Nigerians are so much into fashion, its one of the most searched word on google. You can also take time to check out my post on 20 Nigerian fashion and beauty blogs to follow. http://www.typearls.org/2014/12/20-beauty-and-fashion-nigerian-blogs-to.html.

  10. Love your post!. so many bloggers, so little time!

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